Applied linguistics
Table of contents
The term applied linguistics (AL) has been given a wide range of interpretations (Corder 1973; Crystal 1981; Trudgill 1984; Kaplan 1990; Sridhar 1993; James 1993). The traditional and most widespread use of the term is also the narrowest one, restricting AL to the application of linguistic research to mother tongue education and to the teaching and learning of foreign and second languages. According to this interpretation, the central issues are language acquisition and learning, testing, error analysis, and teaching methodology and technology.
Adelswärd, V. et al.
1987 The unequal distribution of interactional space dominance and control in courtroom interaction. Text 7: 313–346. BoP
Atkinson, J.M. & P. Drew
Bargiela-Chiappini, F.
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Bennett, W.L. & M.S. Feldman
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Bothorel-Witz, A. & Choremi, T.
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Bowerman, M. & S.C. Levinson
Brouwer, C.E. & J. Wagner
2004 Developmental issues in second language conversation. Journal of Applied Linguistics 1(1): 29–47.
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Christie, F.
Clyne, M.
1987 Cultural differences in the organization of academic texts. Journal of Pragmatics 11: 211–241.
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Conley, J. & W. O’barr
Connor, U.
1996 Contrastive rhetoric. Cross-cultural aspects of second-language writing. Cambridge University Press.
Connor, U. & R.B. Kaplan
Corden, R.
Coulthard, M. & A. Johnson
Crystal, D.
Dahl, T.
Drew, P.
1992 Contested evidence in courtroom cross-examination. In P. Drew & J. Heritage (eds.): 470–520. BoP
Drew, P. & J. Heritage
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Egbert, J. & E. Hanson-Smith
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Fløttum, K., T. Kinn & T. Dahl
Gale, T. & K. Densmore
Gardner, R.C. & J. Wagner
Garrison, D.R.
Gass, S.M. & Selinker, L.
Gee, J.
Gibbons, J.
Goodwin, C. & M.H. Goodwin
Gunnarsson, B.-L., B. Melander & H. Näslund
Gunnarsson, B.-L., P. Linell & B. Nordberg
Gustafsson, M.
Hall, J.K. & L.S. Verplaetse
Hayes, J.R. & L. Flower
Heller, M.
1999 Linguistic minorities and modernity. A sociolinguistic ethnography. Addison Wesley Longman. BoP
Heritage, J. & A. Lindström
1998 Motherhood, medicine and morality. Scenes from a medical encounter. Research on language and social interaction 31(3/4): 397–438.
Holmes, J.
2006 Gendered talk at work. Constructing gender identity through workplace discourse. Blackwell.
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Hydén, L. & E. Mishler
Hyerle, D.
Hyland, K.
2003 Disciplinary discourses. Social interactions in academic writing. The University of Michigan Press.
Ivanič, R.
James, C. & P. Garrett
Jämtelid, K.
Janks, H.
Johns, A.M.
Johnson, R.K. & M. Swain
Jönsson, L.
Kangasharju, H.
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Kankaanranta, A.
Karlsson, A.-M.
Kingsley, L.
2009 Explicit and implicit dimensions of language policy in multilingual banks in Luxembourg. Language Problems & Language Planning 33(2): 153–173.
Kramsch, C.
Kurzon, D.
Labov, W. & D. Fanshel
Levine, P. & R. Scollon
Linde, C.
Linell, P. & L. Jönsson
Lörscher, W.
Lüdi, G., L.A. Barth, K. Höchle & P. Yanaprasant
Macdonald, S.P.
Markman, K.M.
Martin, J., F. Christie & J. Rothery
Martin-Jones, M. & K. Jones
Mauranen, A.
Melander, B., J. Swales & K. Fredrickson
Mettewie, L. & L. Van Mensel
Mitchell, R. & F. Myles
Myers, G.
1990 Writing biology. Texts in the social construction of scientific knowledge. The University of Wisconsin Press. BoP
Myhill, D., S. Jones & R. Hopper
Nelson, M.
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Norris, S. & R.H. Jones
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Philips, S.U.
Poncini, G.
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Sahlström, F.
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Solan, L.
Spenser-Oatey, H. & J. Xing
2004 Rapport management problems in Chinese-British business interactions. A case study. In J. House & J. Rehbein (eds.). Multilingual Communication: 197–221. John Benjamins.
Spilka, R.
Sridhar, S.N.
Stubbe, M., C. Lane, J. Hilder, E. Vine, B. Vine, M. Marra, J. Holmes & A. Weatherall
Stubbs, M.
Swain, M. & S. Lapkin
Trudgill, P.
Weinreich, U.
Wenger, E.
Whitehead, M.
Widdowson, H.G.
Winsor, D.A.
Wodak, R.
1997 Critical discourse analysis and the study of doctor-patient interaction. In B.-L. Gunnarsson, P. Linell & B. Nordberg (eds.): 173–200.