Advertising translation
Table of contents
Advertising translation is one of the areas within Translation Studies that has evolved most rapidly and intensively in the last few decades, in spite of its late entrance in the academia. Any comprehensive study of this topic requires an interdisciplinary approach to deal with the complexity of advertising material production as well as with the complexity of its translation. Aspects like the discourse of advertising and the implications for translation, the richness and variety of advertising texts, the different participants in the production, distribution and translation stages and the impact of the media are key issues to consider.
Adab, Beverly
2000 “Towards a More Systematic Approach to the Translation of Advertising Texts.” In Investigating Translation, Alison Beeby (ed.), 225–237. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins TSB 

Adab, Beverly & Cristina Valdés
(eds) 2004 Key Debates in the Translation of Advertising Material. Special issue of The Translator 10 (2). Manchester: St Jerome.
Bueno García, Antonio
Jettmarova, Z., Piotrowska, M. & Zauberga, I
1997 “New Advertising Markets as Target Areas for Translation.” In Translation as Intercultural Communication: Selected Papers from the EST Congress, Prague 1995, Snell-Hornby, Mary, Zuzana Jettmarova & Klaus Kaindl (eds), 185–194. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins TSB. 

Lee, Yvonne
2009 “The Medium is Global, the Content is not: Translating Commercial Websites.” Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network 1 (2). [Accessed 14 June 2011].
Pedro, Raquel de
Quillard, Genevieve
Shakir, Abdullah
1995 “The Translation of Advertisements: Registeral and Schematic Constraints.” Meta 40 (1): 62–72.
Smith, Karen
2009 The Translation of Advertising Texts: A Study of English-Language Advertisements and their Translations in Russian. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG. TSB
Torresi, Ira
Valdés, Cristina
2004 La traducción publicitaria: comunicación y cultura. Colección La Aldea Global. València: Universitat de València. Castelló de la Plana: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Bellaterra: Universitat Autòmoma de Barcelona. Servei de Publicacions, D.L. TSB
2007 “A complex mode of screen translation: The case of advertisements in Spanish television channels.” A Tool for Social Integration? Audiovisual Translation from Different Angles. Special issue of Linguistica Antverpiensia 6: 277–293. TSB
2008 “The localization of promotional discourse on the Internet.” In Between Text and Image. Updating research in screen translation, Delia Chiaro, Christine Heiss & Chiara Bucaria (eds), 229–243. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins BoP