Intercultural mediation
Table of contents
Intercultural mediation (IM) is a form of translatorial intervention which takes account of the impact of cultural distance when translating or interpreting. The aim is to improve access, and involves ‘re-writing’ (see also Cultural approaches) ‘recreating’ or ‘transcreating’. There are two principal ways of considering IM. First, as intervention to ensure successful communication across cultures, whereby the translator/interpreter (T/I) accounts for possible cultural misunderstanding (loss or distortion of meaning); and second as intervention to support vulnerable cultural groups, to ensure that their voice is heard and that their differences and rights are respected.
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Inghilleri, Moira
2005 “Mediating zones of uncertainty. Interpreter agency, the interpreting habitus and political asylum adjudication.” The Translator 11 (1): 69–85.
Katan, David
2002 “Mediating the point of refraction and playing with the perlocutionary effect: A translator’s choice?” In Critical Studies: Vol 20, Cultural Studies, Interdisciplinarity and Translation, Stefan Herbrechter (ed.), 177–195. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. TSB
2009 “Translation as intercultural communication.” In The Routledge Companion to Translation Studies, Jeremy Munday (ed.), 74–92. Oxford: Routledge. TSB
2011b “Occupation or profession: A survey of the translators’ world.” In Profession, Identity and Status: Translators and Interpreters as an Occupational Group, Rakefet Sela-Sheffy & Miriam Shlesinger (eds), 187–209. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Kelly, Dorothy
Leanza Yvan
2007 “Roles of community interpreters in pediatrics as seen by interpreters, physicians and researchers.” In Healthcare Interpreting: Discourse and Interaction, Franz Pöchhacker & Miriam Shlesinger (eds), 11–34. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Martín, Mayte C. & Phelan, Mary
2010 “Interpreters and cultural mediators – Different but complementary roles.” Translocations: Migration and Social Change 6 (1). [Accessed on 15 July 2013].
Mesa, Anne-Marie
2000 “The cultural interpreter: An appreciated professional. Results of a study on interpreting services: Client, health care work and interpreters point of view.” In The Critical Link 2: Interpreters in the Community. Roda P. Roberts, Silvana E. Carr, Diana Abraham & Aideen Dufour (eds), 67–82. Amsterdam: John Benjamins TSB 

Metzger Melanie
1999 Sign Language Interpreting: Deconstructing the Myth of Neutrality. -Washington (DC): Gallaudet University Press. TSB
Mikkelson, Holly
2008 “Evolving views of the court interpreter’s role: Between Scylla and Charybdis.” In Crossing Borders in Community Interpreting: Definitions and Dilemmas, Carmen Valero-Garcés & Anne Martin (eds), 81–97. Amsterdam: John Benjamins BoP. 

National Standard Guide for Community Interpreting Services
2007 Toronto: Healthcare Interpretation Network. [Accessed on 29 July 2013].
2005 National Standards of Practice for Interpreters in Healthcare.–05).pdf [Accessed on 15 July 2013].
Pym, Anthony
2013 “Translation Studies in Europe – Reasons for it, and problems to work on.” [Accessed 11 July 2013].
2006 “Localization, training, and the threat of fragmentation.” [Accessed 16 July 2013].
2002 “Localization and the training of linguistic mediators for the third millennium.” [Accessed on July 16 2013]. TSB
Roberts, Simon
Taft, Ronald
Tymoczko, Maria
Wadensjö, Cecilia
Further reading
Davies, Eirlys E
Katan, David
2004 [2nd edition]. Translating Cultures: An Introduction for Translators, Interpreters and Mediators. Manchester: St. Jerome. BoP
Merlini, Rafaella
Pöchhacker, Franz
2008 “Interpreting as mediation.” In Crossing Borders in Community Interpreting. Definitions and Dilemmas, Carmen Valero-Garcés & Anne Martin (eds), 9–26. Amsterdam: John Benjamins BoP.