Volume 29, Issue 3 (2017)
Consolidating the professional identity of translators: The role of citizenship behaviorsTaeyoung Yoo and Cheol Ja Jeong | pp. 361–387
A corpus-based study of semantic differences in translation: The case of inchoativity in DutchLore Vandevoorde, Els Lefever, Koen Plevoets and Gert De Sutter | pp. 388–415
How metaphors are rendered in subtitlesJan Pedersen | pp. 416–439
What kind of literature is a literary translation?Douglas Robinson | pp. 440–463
Bilingual formal meeting as a context of translatorialityMerja Koskela, Kaisa Koskinen and Nina Pilke | pp. 464–485
Michael Gibbs Hill. Lin Shu, Inc.: Translation and the Making of Modern Chinese CultureReviewed by Duoxiu Qian | pp. 486–490
Emily Apter. Against World Literature: On the Politics of UntranslatabilityReviewed by Jonathan Evans | pp. 491–495
Lieven D’hulst. Essais d’histoire de la traduction. Avatars de JanusReviewed by Gillian Lane-Mercier | pp. 496–502
Andrew Chesterman. Memes of Translation: The Spread of Ideas in Translation TheoryReviewed by Susana Valdez | pp. 503–507
Mona Baker, ed. Translating Dissent. Voices from and with the Egyptian RevolutionReviewed by Michaela Wolf | pp. 508–513
Book reviews