Interpreter-mediated interaction

Cecilia Wadensjö
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Discussing the number of members as an aspect that determines the sociological form of a group, Georg Simmel (1902 : 167) suggests that “every mediation inserts itself between the elements which are to be combined, and thus separates in the very act of uniting them” (italics in original). Interpreter-mediated interaction is a communicative activity conditioned by the circumstance that two parties need assistance from a third party in order to communicate, because the two do not share a language in which they are able or willing to communicate directly, and the third party, the interpreter, has competence in both. In interpreter-mediated interaction, the interpreter’s performance both unites and separates the two primary parties. A recurrent theme in interpreters’ professional forums concerns how to define the appropriate level of the interpreter’s intermediary involvement. In practice, this involvement seems to be determined partly by the interpreter’s proficiencies, partly by the other participants’ orientation and level of interaction.

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