Volume 14, Issue 1 (2002)
Evaluating translations of surrealist poetry: Adding Note-Down Protocols to Close ReadingGraham. D. Low | pp. 1–41
Translation and ‘similarity-creating metaphors’ in specialised languagesPedro A. Fuertes Olivera and Isabel Pizarro Sánchez | pp. 43–73
The pitfalls of linguistic equivalence: The challenge for legal translationEmily Poon Wai-yee | pp. 75–106
Think-aloud protocol studies into translation: An annotated bibliographyRiitta Jääskeläinen | pp. 107–136
Shared ground in Translation Studies: Concluding the debatep. 137
Lessons learned from BabelRosemary Arrojo | pp. 137–143
Shared ground revisitedAndrew Chesterman | pp. 143–148
From Aesop to Zweig and from Martial to Martial Arts Fiction: Charting the history of literary translation into EnglishDirk Delabastita | pp. 149–171
Marilyn Gaddis Rose, ed. Beyond the Western traditionReviewed by Beverly Adab | pp. 173–177
Lawrence Venuti, ed. The Translation Studies readerReviewed by Cees Koster | pp. 178–181
Fotios Karamitroglou. Towards a methodology for the investigation of norms in audiovisual translation: The choice between subtitling and revoicing in GreeceReviewed by Maria Sidiropoulou | pp. 181–185
Anthony Pym. Negotiating the frontier: Translators and interculturesin Hispanic historyReviewed by Julio-Cesar Santoyo | pp. 185–188
Bert Esselink. A practical guide to localizationReviewed by Anthony Pym | pp. 189–193
Ernst-August Gutt. Translation and relevance: Cognition and contextReviewed by Sonja Tirkkonen-Condit | pp. 193–196
Federica Scarpa. La traduzione specializzata:Lingue speciali e media-zione linguisticaReviewed by Giuliana Schiavi | pp. 196–200
Sonja Tirkkonen-Condit & Riitta Jääskeläinen, eds. Tapping and mapping the processes of translating and interpreting: Outlooks on empirical researchReviewed by Robin Setton | pp. 201–206
Review article
Book reviews