Volume 31, Issue 2 (2019)Language, translation and empire in the Americas
Edited by Roberto A. Valdeón
Universidad de Oviedo
Language, translation and empire in the AmericasRoberto A. Valdeón | pp. 163–168
Images of Cortés in sixteenth-century translations of Francisco López de Gómara’s Historia de la conquista de México (1552)Victoria Ríos Castaño | pp. 169–188
Translation, a Tudor political instrumentRoberto A. Valdeón | pp. 189–206
Translating from/for the margins of empire: The Gaceta de Guatemala (1797–1807) and the enlightened elitesAura E. Navarro and Catherine Poupeney Hart | pp. 207–227
Puerto Rico as colonial palimpsest: A microhistory of translation and language policyChristopher D. Mellinger | pp. 228–247
Between empires: Language and identity in Brazilian science since the belle époqueWilliam F. Hanes | pp. 248–266
Julia Richter, Cornelia Zwischenberger, Stefanie Kremmel & Karlheinz Spitzl, eds. (Neu-)Kompositionen. Aspekte transkultureller TranslationswissenschaftReviewed by Rebecca DeWald | pp. 267–272
Vorya Dastyar. Dictionary of Metaphors in Translation and Interpreting StudiesReviewed by Mark Shuttleworth | pp. 273–276
Séverine Hubscher-Davidson. Translation and Emotion: A Psychological PerspectiveReviewed by Mikołaj Deckert | pp. 277–282
Douglas Robinson. Semiotranslating PeirceReviewed by Kobus Marais | pp. 283–287
Arnt Lykke Jakobsen & Bartolomé Mesa-Lao, eds. Translation in Transition: Between cognition, computing and technologyReviewed by Oliver Czulo | pp. 288–293
David Orrego-Carmona & Yvonne Lee, eds. Non-Professional SubtitlingReviewed by Patricia Álvarez Sánchez | pp. 294–298
Kirsten Malmkjær, Adriana Şerban & Fransiska Louwagie, eds. Key Cultural Texts in TranslationReviewed by Birong Huang | pp. 299–303
Book reviews