Volume 5, Issue 1 (1993)
From ‘Is’ to ‘Ought’: Laws, Norms and Strategies in Translation StudiesAndrew Chesterman | pp. 1–20
Is There a Special Kind of “Reading” for Translation? An Empirical Investigation of Reading in the Translation ProcessGregory M. Shreve, Christina Schäffner, Joseph H. Danks and Jennifer Griffin | pp. 21–41
Arab Fatalism and Translation from Arabic into EnglishMohammed Farghal | pp. 43–53
Rhetoric and Dutch Translation Theory (1750-1820)Luc G. Korpel | pp. 55–69
Mixed Translation Patterns: The Ladino Translation of Biblical and Mishnaic Hebrew VerbsOra (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald | pp. 71–88
Anthologies et HistoriographieJosé Lambert | pp. 89–96
Daniel Gouadec. Le traducteur, la traduction et l'entrepriseCompte rendu par José Lambert | pp. 97–99
Susan Bassnett-McGuire. Translation StudiesReviewed by John S. Dixon | pp. 99–102
Gabriele Harhoff. Grenzen der Skopostheorie von Translation und ihrer praktischen AnwendbarkeitRezensiert von Christiane Nord | pp. 102–106
Christian Schmitt, Hrsg. Neue Methoden der SprachmittlungRezensiert von Paul Kussmaul | pp. 107–110
Barbara Folkart. Le conflit des énonciations: traduction et discours rapporté.Compte rendu par Reine Meylaerts | pp. 110–114
Jelle Stegeman. Übersetzung und Leser: Untersuchungen zur Übersetzungsäquivalenz dargestellt an der Rezeption von Multatulis 'Max Havelaar' und seinen deutschen Ubersetzungen.Reviewed by Cees Koster | pp. 115–119
Sandor Hervey & Ian Higgins. Thinking Translation. A Course in Translation Method: French to English.Reviewed by Hans G. Hönig | pp. 119–123
Mildred L. Larson, ed. Translation: Theory and Practice. Tension and InterdependenceReviewed by Anthony Pym | pp. 123–126
Kitty M. van Leuven-Zwart & Ton Naaijkens, eds. Translation Studies: The State of the Art. Proceedings of the First James S Holmes Symposium on Translation StudiesReviewed by Michael Schreiber | pp. 127–129
Rainer Schulte & John Biguenet, eds. Theories of Translation: An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to DerridaReviewed by Lieven D’hulst | pp. 129–131
Isabel Pascua Febles & Ana Luisa Peñate Soares. Introducción a los estudios de traducción.Reviewed by Anthony Pym | pp. 131–132
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