Volume 9, Issue 1 (1997)
'Acceptability' and Language-Specific Preference in the Distribution of InformationMonika Doherty | pp. 1–24
Translating a Poem, from a Linguistic PerspectiveElżbieta Tabakowska | pp. 25–41
Translating the Untranslatable: The Translator's Aesthetic, Ideological and Political ResponsibilityGillian Lane-Mercier | pp. 43–68
Who Verbalises What: A Linguistic Analysis of TAP TextsSonja Tirkkonen-Condit | pp. 69–84
Créativité et traductionMichel Ballard | pp. 85–110
Cultural Agents and Cultural Interference: The Function of J.H. Campe in an Emerging Jewish CultureZohar Shavit | pp. 111–130
Language and Translation in an International Business Context: Beyond an Instrumental ApproachChris Steyaert and Maddy Janssens | pp. 131–154
Translation and the "Meme"Hans J. Vermeer | pp. 155–166
Sherry Simon, ed. Culture in Transit: Translating the Literature of QuebecReviewed by Rainier Grutman | pp. 167–170
Donald C. Kiraly. Pathways to Translation: Pedagogy and ProcessReviewed by Sonja Tirkkonen-Condit | pp. 170–174
Michael Cronin. Translating Ireland: Translation, Languages, CulturesReviewed by Joep Leerssen | pp. 175–178
Jean Delisle & Judith Woodsworth, eds. and dir. Translators Through HistoryReviewed by John Milton | pp. 178–180
Sirkku Aaltonen. Acculturation of the Other: Irish Milieux in Finnish Drama TranslationReviewed by Marja Jänis | pp. 181–185
Mercedes Tricás Preckler. Manual de traductión francés-castellanoCompte rendu par Brigitte Lépinette | pp. 185–188
Yves Gambier, éd. Les transferts linguistiques dans les médias audiovisuelsReviewed by Aline Remael | pp. 188–194
Christopher Gauker. Thinking Out Loud: An Essay on the Relation between Thought and LanguageReviewed by Anthony Pym | pp. 195–196
Michel Ballard, éd. Relations discursives et traductionCompte rendu par Brigitte Lépinette | pp. 196–198
Susanne Göpferich. Textsorten in Naturwissenschaften und Technik: Pragmatische Typologie - Kontrastierung - TranslationReviewed by R.R.K. Hartmann | pp. 198–199
Alan K. Melby & C. Terry Warner. The Possibility of Language: A Discussion of the Nature of Language, with Implications for Human and Machine TranslationCompte rendu par Anne-Marie Loffler-Laurian | pp. 200–201
Other books receivedpp. 203–205
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