Eleni Gregoromichelaki
List of John Benjamins publications for which Eleni Gregoromichelaki plays a role.
Influencing laughter with AI-mediated communication What Influences Influence? How the Communicative Situation Influences Persuasion, Fischer, Kerstin and Jaap Ham (eds.), pp. 416–463 | Article
2021 Previous experimental findings support the hypothesis that laughter and positive emotions are contagious in face-to-face and mediated communication. To test this hypothesis, we describe four experiments in which participants communicate via a chat tool that artificially adds or removes laughter… read more
A dynamic perspective on left-right asymmetries: CLLD and Clitic doubling in Greek Rightward Movement in a Comparative Perspective, Webelhuth, Gert, Manfred Sailer and Heike Walker (eds.), pp. 321–368 | Article
2013 Various intepretational effects and structural restrictions can be observed in the phenomenon of the duplication of arguments (doubling) by clitics in languages like Modern Greek. The fact that some of these restrictions operate apparently differentially depending on whether the doubled argument… read more
On making syntax dynamic: The challenge of compound utterances and the architecture of the grammar Alignment in Communication: Towards a new theory of communication, Wachsmuth, Ipke, Jan de Ruiter, Petra Jaecks and Stefan Kopp (eds.), pp. 57–86 | Article
2013 The Pickering and Garrod model (Pickering & Garrod, 2013) represents a significant advance within the language-as-action paradigm in providing a mechanistic non-inferential account of dialogue. However, we suggest that, in maintaining several aspects of the language-as-product tradition, it does… read more