Titles published last month

Showing all 2 titles.

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A Comparative Literary History of Modern Slavery

The Atlantic world and beyond

Edited by Madeleine Dobie, Mads Anders Baggesgaard and Karen-Margrethe Simonsen

The first volume of A Comparative Literary History of Modern Slavery explores literary representations of enslavement with a focus on the emotions. The contributors consider how the diverse emotions generated by slavery have been represented over a historical period stretching from the 16th century to the present and... full description
December 2024. xxiv, 334 pp.
SiHoLS 132
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Lectures on Language Theory 1942–1943

Louis Hjelmslev

The present book is the English translation of Louis Hjelmslev’s lectures on glossematics, the theory of language developed in the forties by him and Hans Jørgen Uldall, and taught at the University of Copenhagen in 1942-43, thoroughly taken down in shorthand by his student Harry Wett Frederiksen. The document,... full description
December 2024. viii, 234 pp.