Angelika Redder
List of John Benjamins publications for which Angelika Redder plays a role.
Multilingual communication in Hamburg: A pragmatic approach Multilingualism and Language Diversity in Urban Areas: Acquisition, identities, space, education, Siemund, Peter, Ingrid Gogolin, Monika Edith Schulz and Julia Davydova (eds.), pp. 257–286 | Article
2013 This paper addresses societal multilingualism from an interactional perspective. Evidenced by empirical data, the monolingual habitus of a city such as Hamburg turns out to crumble from the borderlines of interactive frames particularly in non-institutional settings. Thus, openness for different… read more
Capturing diversity: Linguistic land- and soundscaping Linguistic Superdiversity in Urban Areas: Research approaches, Duarte, Joana and Ingrid Gogolin (eds.), pp. 45–74 | Article
2013 Our paper discusses methods of capturing linguistic diversity in urban areas. One of these methods is “linguistic landscaping”, which we use not only in the traditional manner, but also with substantial additions to include the communicative process in which the signs are used. To compensate for… read more