Samantha Becerra-Zita
List of John Benjamins publications for which Samantha Becerra-Zita plays a role.
Chapter 3. Negative Concord and sentential negation in Gallo Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 15: Selected papers from 'Going Romance' 30, Frankfurt, Feldhausen, Ingo, Martin Elsig, Imme Kuchenbrandt and Mareike Neuhaus (eds.), pp. 53–71 | Chapter
2019 The goal of this paper is to get a better understanding of Negative Concord (NC) in natural language through the study of Gallo, a Romance language spoken in Brittany. Despite obvious similarities with respect to Standard French (SF), Gallo differs from it by integrating sentential… read more
On negative indefinites in Gallo: Evidence for non-intrinsically negative (scalar) negation Lingvisticæ Investigationes 41:1, pp. 111–128 | Article
2018 This paper brings to bear primary fieldwork data from Gallo on negation and polarity related issues. We defend two correlated proposals. (i) The negative markers pas/pouint in Gallo are not inherently negative, but rather merely signal the presence of abstract semantic negation in their clause.… read more