Paolo Acquaviva

List of John Benjamins publications for which Paolo Acquaviva plays a role.


Acquaviva, Paolo 2016 Structures for pluralsLexical plurals and beyond, Lauwers, Peter and Marie Lammert (eds.), pp. 217–233 | Article
This paper presents a hypothesis about the innermost structure of noun phrases, which aims at explaining the interaction of number and countability in nouns. This is based on a constructionist approach which views nouns as substructures of the noun phrase, and word formation and inflection as the… read more
Acquaviva, Paolo 2014 Roots, concepts, and word structure: On the atoms of lexical semanticsMorphology and Meaning: Selected papers from the 15th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, February 2012, Rainer, Franz, Francesco Gardani, Hans Christian Luschützky and Wolfgang U. Dressler (eds.), pp. 49–70 | Article
This chapter examines the relation between the structure of words as linguistic objects and their conceptual content. It addresses two questions: what are the primitives of lexical semantic interpretation, and how they are expressed in the grammatical and morphological representation of a lexical… read more