Zhaojin Du

List of John Benjamins publications for which Zhaojin Du plays a role.


Du, Zhaojin and Zhaojin Du 2023 Uyghur speakers’ acquisition of Mandarin tonesLanguage Contact with Chinese, Bao, Zhiming (ed.), pp. 62–82 | Article
This paper, based on Chinese and Uyghur language contact data collected through fieldwork, discusses in detail Uyghur speakers’ acquisition of Mandarin tones. Uyghur speakers map the three native pitch accents from the Uyghur prosodic system, i.e. level, rise, and fall, to the four Mandarin… read more
本文以無聲調的維吾爾語和有聲調的漢語的自然接觸作為研究對象,通過田野調查收集維吾爾族人說漢語的第一手材料,以語音標記性差異的視角,觀察、分析維漢自然接觸環境下維吾爾族人學習漢語聲調的具體過程、特點和規律。研究發現,維漢接觸中維吾爾族人以維吾爾語的詞調調型來匹配漢語聲調;隨著維吾爾族人漢化程度的提高,聲調匹配逐步實現由「無序匹配」向「有序匹配」的轉化,這是一個相對緩慢的發展過程,往往要經歷「無聲調意識→有聲調意識→聲調匹配有序化開始→實現聲調有序匹配」等幾個階段;維漢接觸中聲調實現有序匹配需要相當長的時間,是由聲調的標記性高造成的。這一過程可稱為「聲調標記匹配有序化」。 read more