Laura E. Lettner
List of John Benjamins publications for which Laura E. Lettner plays a role.
Acquisition of German diminutive formation and compounding in a comparative perspective: Evidence for typology and the role of frequency Current Issues in Morphological Theory: (Ir)regularity, analogy and frequency, Kiefer, Ferenc †, Mária Ladányi and Péter Siptár (eds.), pp. 237–264 | Article
2012 Early phases of first language acquisition can shed light on general preferences in diminutive formation and compounding, as is demonstrated in this typological characterization of German diminutives and compounds and their acquisition. The role of typology is shown to be similar to that in… read more
First language acquisition of compounds Cross-Disciplinary Issues in Compounding, Scalise, Sergio and Irene Vogel (eds.), pp. 323–344 | Article
2010 This chapter discusses early phases of first language acquisition of compounds in German based on longitudinal data of two Austrian children and compares these data to results on compound acquisition in other languages. The first compounds to emerge in German (simultaneously with the emergence of… read more