Arpita Bose

List of John Benjamins publications for which Arpita Bose plays a role.


Aveledo, Fraibet, Yolanda Higueras, Theodoros Marinis, Arpita Bose, Christos Pliatsikas, Ariana Meldaña-Rivera, María Luisa Martínez-Ginés, José Manuel García-Domínguez, Alberto Lozano-Ros, Juan Pablo Cuello and Haydee Goicochea-Briceño 2021 Multiple sclerosis and bilingualism: Some initial findingsBi-/Multilingualism and the Declining Brain, Pliatsikas, Christos, Ana Inés Ansaldo and Toms Voits (eds.), pp. 551–577 | Article
It has been suggested that bilingualism is beneficial for executive control and could have positive long-term effects by delaying the onset of symptoms of degenerative diseases. This research investigates, for the first time, the impact of bilingualism on executive control (monitoring and… read more