Ruiqing Shen
List of John Benjamins publications for which Ruiqing Shen plays a role.
Languages and language contact in China Language Contact with Chinese, Bao, Zhiming (ed.), pp. 1–13 | Introduction
2023 China is ethnically and linguistically diverse. There are 56 officially recognized ethnic groups in the country, including the majority Han, with a 1.2 billion-strong population and Tatar, the smallest minority group with only 3,556 people residing in Xinjiang, according to the 2010 Population… read more
閩南語的去鼻化音變與原始沿海閩語的清響音 [Denasalization in Southern Min and voiceless sonorants in Proto-Coastal-Min] Language and Linguistics 24:3, pp. 515–539 | Article
2023 本文希望能在前人研究的基礎上更合理地解釋閩南語去鼻化音變(Denasalization)的來龍去脈。首先,本文觀察到閩南語的去鼻化現象中的「詞彙兩分」現象跟中古四聲的聲調兩分存在關聯,且詞彙條件完全一致,兩者的相關性只能用一個同時存在清濁兩套鼻音的階段來解釋,即去鼻化音變發生在清濁鼻音合併之前。其次,本文發現閩南語的去鼻化符合世界語言去鼻化音變的普遍規律:它發生在鼻化元音出現與濁塞音消失之後。最後,本文也梳理了閩南語去鼻化音變及其相關音變的條件與相對順序,構擬了原始沿海閩語表現為清響音的語素,並討論了它跟客家話的聯繫。 read more