Keiko Koda

List of John Benjamins publications for which Keiko Koda plays a role.


Ke, Sihui (Echo), Rui Jin and Keiko Koda 2023 Adult L2 learners’ morphological sensitivity in a morphosyllabic languageThe Mental Lexicon 18:3, pp. 446–471 | Article
This study examined adult L2 learners’ morphological sensitivity in Chinese, a morphosyllabic language, and explored whether there is any modulating effects of L2 proficiency. Two word naming experiments (segment shifting and standard word naming) were administered to three participant groups,… read more
L2 reading entails a complex cross-linguistic interaction between L1 reading ability and L2 linguistic knowledge. As such, it is seen as a dynamic process of coalescing diverse resources, including cognitive skills, linguistic knowledge, and metalinguistic awareness, in two languages. In this… read more