Elena Negrea-Busuioc
List of John Benjamins publications for which Elena Negrea-Busuioc plays a role.
Romania’s first female prime minister’s meme-ification: Humor and the trivialization of politics in satirical memes Journal of Language and Politics: Online-First Articles | Article
2024 Political memes are ubiquitous in social media. They are easy to make, alter and spread, and they are a funny way of sanctioning politicians. This paper seeks to analyze the satirical memes targeting Viorica Dăncilă and to explore the extent to which such memes could be considered a… read more
Sports metaphors and women’s empowerment in the 2014 European election campaign in Romania Metaphor and the Social World 7:2, pp. 213–234 | Article
2017 This paper examines sports metaphors as symbolic resources for electoral discourse, focusing on both their conventional nature and their strategic value in delivering the political message. It takes the form of a case study analyzing the multimodal realizations of the ‘EuroChampion’ sports… read more
“Now everyone knows I’m a serial killer”: Spontaneous intentionality in conversational metaphor and story-telling Metaphor and the Social World 4:2, pp. 174–198 | Article
2014 Drawing on data from a series of informal conversations about public safety and police-community relations, we distinguish between a speaker’s generalized communicative intentions with respect to metaphor use and story-telling, based on what Chafe (1994, p. 145) calls “unifying ideas that persist… read more