Hamideh Marefat

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hamideh Marefat plays a role.


Solaimani, Ehsan and Hamideh Marefat 2024 Definiteness matters as a discourse cue in L1 and L2 processing of relative clausesPragmatics & Cognition 31:1, pp. 185–204 | Article
This study explores how syntactic and discourse-based parsing principles direct English relative clause attachment preferences. Forty-nine highly advanced L1-Persian L2-English and thirty-six English native speakers completed a self-paced reading task involving temporarily ambiguous relative… read more
Abdollahnejad, Elias and Hamideh Marefat 2017 Relative clauses in Persian: A small-scale corpus studyLingvisticæ Investigationes 40:2, pp. 135–149 | Article
This study is a corpus-based investigation of Persian relative clauses (RCs) used in written mode. 535 instances of RCs occurring in 1634 sentences in 40 editorials of four newspapers published in Iran were spotted and analyzed to determine the frequency of each RC type and the occurrence of… read more