Norman F. Blake

List of John Benjamins publications for which Norman F. Blake plays a role.

Blake, Norman F. 2005 Review of Taavitsainen & Jucker (2003): Diachronic Perspectives on Address Term SystemsThe Evolution of Pragmatic Markers, Mosegaard Hansen, Maj-Britt and Corinne Rossari (eds.), pp. 328–332 | Review
Blake, Norman F. 2002 On Shakespeare’s informal languageJournal of Historical Pragmatics 3:2, pp. 179–204 | Article
Shakespeare’s works consist mainly of plays, yet little attention has been paid to his informal language although he was one of the first dramatists to exploit this variety in dialogue. This article, based on the author’s work for a dictionary of Shakespeare’s informal English, explores first what… read more
Blake, Norman F. 2000 Who Is “Sivilizing” Who(m)? The Function of Naivety and the Criticism of Huckleberry Finn — A Multidimensional ApproachWriting in Nonstandard English, Taavitsainen, Irma, Gunnel Melchers and Päivi Pahta (eds.), pp. 101–122 | Article