Mohammed Albakry
List of John Benjamins publications for which Mohammed Albakry plays a role.
Globalism and cultural tensions: Discursive constructions of the English language in China’s print media Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 27:1, pp. 1–21 | Article
2017 Based on a corpus of 200 articles from the People’s Daily and the People’s Daily Overseas Edition collected from 2010 to 2012, we examined the representation of English, applying framing theory (Chong & Druckman, 2007). The results indicate four dominant frames shared by both newspapers:… read more
Telling by omission: Hedging and negative evaluation in academic recommendation letters Corpus-based Research in Applied Linguistics: Studies in Honor of Doug Biber, Cortes, Viviana and Eniko Csomay (eds.), pp. 79–98 | Article
2015 This corpus-based study explores some of the linguistic and discursive aspects of framing positive and negative information – mainly modals, evaluative adjectives, and mitigation strategies – in recommendation letters. The corpus is comprised of 114 letters of recommendation spanning three years of… read more
I own this language that everybody speaks: Ghanaians’ attitude toward the English language English World-Wide 33:2, pp. 165–184 | Article
2012 Based on interviews conducted in ten Catholic churches of the Ghanaian capital, Accra, the paper offers a profile of English use in Ghana and reports on the attitudes of Ghanaians toward English as the official language of their country. The results reveal the influential role English plays in the… read more