András Beke

List of John Benjamins publications for which András Beke plays a role.


Gósy, Mária, Dorottya Gyarmathy and András Beke 2017 Phonetic analysis of filled pauses based on a Hungarian-English learner corpusSegmental, prosodic and fluency features in phonetic learner corpora, Trouvain, Jürgen, Frank Zimmerer, Bernd Möbius, Mária Gósy and Anne Bonneau (eds.), pp. 149–174 | Article
Filled pauses may reveal speech planning or execution problems to a greater extent in L2 spontaneous speech than in L1. The purpose of this study was to analyze the forms and position of all filled pauses, and the durations and the formants of vocalic filled pauses in English (L2) and in… read more