Helen Borland

List of John Benjamins publications for which Helen Borland plays a role.

In the Asia Pacific region acquiring communicative competence in intercultural interactions in English is an increasingly important goal for adult English language learners. One aspect of communicative competence that has been little researched to date is competence in interpreting the nonverbal… read more
Borland, Helen and Amanda Pearce 2002 Identifying key dimensions of language and cultural disadvantage at UniversityLiteracies: Tertiary contexts, Golebiowski, Zosia, pp. 101–127 | Article
One of the challenges for English language medium universities today is their increasingly globalised student population, as students from around the globe join the members of existing resident ethnic and linguistic groups who have been accessing tertiary education in increasing numbers. In this… read more
The National Policy on Languages (Lo Bianco 1987) seeks to promote the importance and benefit of the the learning and maintenance of languages other than English for Australia’s economic development and achievement of greater social justice and equity in service delivery. In response to the policy… read more