Katja Tissi
List of John Benjamins publications for which Katja Tissi plays a role.
Chapter 2. In your face: Im/politeness in signed languages, with examples from Swiss German Sign Language (DSGS) Multimodal Im/politeness: Signed, spoken, written, Jucker, Andreas H., Iris Hübscher and Lucien Brown (eds.), pp. 27–63 | Chapter
2023 This chapter begins by describing impolite forms of signing reported for many sign languages that seem to be based on the visual modality of this form of communication. Other im/polite conventions are influenced by the setting, register, type of speech act, or the perceived signing ability of… read more
Single-parameter and parameter combination errors in L2 productions of Swiss German Sign Language Sign Language & Linguistics 24:2, pp. 143–181 | Article
2021 This article presents a study of errors made by hearing adult L2 learners of Swiss German Sign Language (Deutschschweizerische Gebärdensprache, DSGS). As part of a statistical analysis of single-parameter errors, movement was found to be the parameter most susceptible to errors, followed by… read more