David B. Pisoni
List of John Benjamins publications for which David B. Pisoni plays a role.
Perception of formulaic and novel expressions under acoustic degradation The Mental Lexicon 12:2, pp. 234–262 | Article
2017 Background: Formulaic expressions, including idioms and other fixed expressions, comprise a significant proportion of discourse. Although much has been written about this topic, controversy remains about their psychological status. An important claim about formulaic expressions, that they are… read more
Rapid phonological coding and working memory dynamics in children with cochlear implants: Cognitive foundations of spoken language processing Perspectives on Phonological Theory and Development: In honor of Daniel A. Dinnsen, Farris-Trimble, Ashley W. and Jessica A. Barlow (eds.), pp. 91–112 | Article
2014 Past research on cochlear implants in deaf children has been narrowly focused on speech and language outcomes and efficacy of cochlear implantation as a medical treatment for profound hearing loss. Little, if any, basic or clinical research has investigated the underlying neurobiological and… read more
Clustering coefficients of lexical neighborhoods: Does neighborhood structure matter in spoken word recognition? The Mental Lexicon 5:1, pp. 1–21 | Article
2010 High neighborhood density reduces the speed and accuracy of spoken word recognition. The two studies reported here investigated whether Clustering Coefficient (CC) — a graph theoretic variable measuring the degree to which a word’s neighbors are neighbors of one another, has similar effects on… read more
Emergent phonotactic generalizations in English and Arabic Frequency and the Emergence of Linguistic Structure, Bybee, Joan L. and Paul J. Hopper (eds.), pp. 159–180 | Article