William D. Raymond

List of John Benjamins publications for which William D. Raymond plays a role.


Brown, Esther L. and William D. Raymond 2012 How discourse context shapes the lexicon: Explaining the distribution of Spanish f-/h‑ wordsDiachronica 29:2, pp. 139–161 | Article
Using a corpus of Medieval Spanish text, we examine factors affecting the Modern Standard Spanish outcome of the initial /f/ in Latin FV‑ words. Regression analyses reveal that the frequency of a word’s use in extralexical phonetic reducing environments and lexical stress patterns significantly… read more
Jurafsky, Daniel, Alan Bell, Michelle Gregory and William D. Raymond 2001 Probabilistic relations between words: Evidence from reduction in lexical productionFrequency and the Emergence of Linguistic Structure, Bybee, Joan L. and Paul J. Hopper (eds.), pp. 229–254 | Article