Young-mee Yu Cho
List of John Benjamins publications for which Young-mee Yu Cho plays a role.
Grammaticalization in progress: Differing patterns of Korean and Japanese plurality Asian Languages and Linguistics 4:1, pp. 48–75 | Article
2023 Korean and Japanese are typical classifier languages that classify a noun based on the semantic type of its referent with a counter word when plurality is involved. Their plural marking appears to be optional when the noun denotes general plurality, but obligatory when a noun is marked by the… read more
Social meanings of honorific / non-honorific alternations in Korean and Japanese Honorific language and linguistic politeness in Korean, Whitman, John and Lucien Brown (eds.), pp. 207–241 | Article
2015 The use of honorifics in Korean and Japanese is generally dictated by social factors such as age, status, and gender (Sohn 1999, Kuno 1987). Honorifics are marked by a well-defined repertoire of linguistic elements, including address-terms, specialized vocabulary, and verbal suffixes. Depending on… read more
Review of Kim-Renaud (2009): Korean: An Essential Grammar Korean Linguistics 15:1, pp. 119–121 | Review
2013 Beyond ‘power and solidarity’: Indexing intimacy in Korean and Japanese terms of address Korean Linguistics 15:1, pp. 73–100 | Article
2013 This study examines the nominal address terms in Korean and Japanese and argues that the notion of ‘Intimacy’ plays a crucial role in choosing an appropriate nominal address term in both languages. In the past several decades, a long list of researchers working in diverse languages have evaluated… read more
Language change and the phonological lexicon of Korean Historical Linguistics 1999: Selected papers from the 14th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Vancouver, 9–13 August 1999, Brinton, Laurel J. (ed.), pp. 89–104 | Article
2001 Language change as reranking of constraints Historical Linguistics 1995: Volume 2: Germanic linguistics, Hogg, Richard M. and Linda van Bergen (eds.), pp. 45–62 | Article