Noor Abo Mokh
List of John Benjamins publications for which Noor Abo Mokh plays a role.
What triggers 'ima¯la: Focus on a Palestinian variety with phonological analysis Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXII: Papers selected from the Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Tempe, Arizona, 2018, Gelderen, Elly van (ed.), pp. 35–54 | Chapter
2020 'ima¯la is a term used to describe the raising of the low vowel /a/ to [e] or [i], a feature of several Arabic dialects, including Levantine varieties where conditional raising occurs. This paper discusses various issues related to final 'ima¯la focusing on a Palestinian dialect. Final 'ima¯la… read more
A study of the place of articulation of the Arabic voiceless dorsal fricative Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXII: Papers selected from the Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Tempe, Arizona, 2018, Gelderen, Elly van (ed.), pp. 55–68 | Chapter
2020 Previous descriptions of the place of articulation of the Arabic dorsal fricative suggest that it ranges from velar to uvular, and there remains uncertainty in terms of identifying the place of articulation of this fricative. If the dorsal fricatives are velar in articulation, this presents a… read more