Mark Amengual
List of John Benjamins publications for which Mark Amengual plays a role.
Chapter 4. Cross-language influences in the acquisition of L2 and L3 phonology Cross-language Influences in Bilingual Processing and Second Language Acquisition, Elgort, Irina, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia and Marc Brysbaert (eds.), pp. 74–99 | Chapter
2023 This chapter synthesises some of the main findings from research investigating cross-language influence (CLI) in Second Language (L2) and Third Language (L3) speech learning. In addition to an overview of the findings that have gathered growing consensus in the fields of L2 and L3 phonology, and… read more
Cross-language effects of phonological and orthographic similarity in cognate word recognition: The role of language dominance Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 11:3, pp. 389–417 | Article
2021 This study investigated the extent to which phonological and orthographic overlap between the two languages of bilinguals predicts word processing abilities in their dominant and non-dominant languages. Forty-four English-dominant L1 English-L2 Spanish speakers and Spanish-dominant Spanish… read more
Language dominance does not always predict cross-linguistic interactions in bilingual speech production Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 10:6, pp. 847–872 | Article
2020 The present study describes the results of two experiments that analyze the effects of language dominance on Catalan/Spanish bilingual speech production. We examined the acoustics of the Catalan [a]~[ə] alternation (a phonological process induced by lexical stress) and of the Catalan mid vowel… read more