John Hellermann

List of John Benjamins publications for which John Hellermann plays a role.


Hellermann, John and Kathryn Harris 2015 Navigating the language-learning classroom without previous schooling: A case study of LiDialogue in Multilingual and Multimodal Communities, Koike, Dale and Carl S. Blyth (eds.), pp. 49–77 | Article
Drawing on understandings of classrooms as communities of practice and using analytic methods including conversation analysis, this paper describes the path of English language learning taken by an adult immigrant to the U.S. (‘Li’) who had no previous experience with formal education. Although… read more
Ford, Cecilia E., Barbara A. Fox and John Hellermann 2004 "Getting past no": Sequence, action and sound production in the projection of no-initiated turnsSound Patterns in Interaction: Cross-linguistic studies from conversation, Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth and Cecilia E. Ford (eds.), pp. 233–269 | Article