Llum Bracho Lapiedra
List of John Benjamins publications for which Llum Bracho Lapiedra plays a role.
Chapter 1. Light Verb Constructions as a testing ground for the Gravitational Pull Hypothesis: An analysis based on the COVALT corpus Corpus Use in Cross-linguistic Research: Paving the way for teaching, translation and professional communication, Izquierdo, Marlén and Zuriñe Sanz-Villar (eds.), pp. 12–33 | Chapter
2023 This study aims to test out the Gravitational Pull Hypothesis (GPH) on Light Verb Constructions (LVCs) conveying emotional states and dynamic events in a number of language combinations, with English and French as source and Catalan and Spanish as target languages. It draws on the corresponding… read more
La explicitación a través de los conectores contrastivos y consecutivos en un corpus de traducción literaria en el par de lenguas francés-español Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 33:2, pp. 357–383 | Article
2020 En este estudio pretendemos comparar, en primer lugar, la existencia de un mayor o menor uso de conectores en un subcorpus literario traducido del francés al español (FRLO-ESLT) y en un subcorpus escrito originalmente en español (ESLO); en segundo lugar, analizamos la base de las posibles… read more
The invisibility of the translator in environmental translation Specialised Translation in Spain: Institutional dimensions, Santaemilia-Ruiz, José and Sergio Maruenda-Bataller (eds.), pp. 440–464 | Article
2017 The question concerning the visibility of the translator has been widely discussed in translation studies from different ideological positions, especially during the so-called post-structuralism period. Unlike other types of translation such as audiovisual or literary translation, in the case of… read more