Kamang (Alor-Pantar, non-Austronesian/Papuan) has a typologically unusual system of argument indexing, in which the S or P argument can be indexed on the verb by one of several prefix paradigms. Some verbs always show indexing, while others exhibit differential argument indexing (DAI). In DAI,… read more
Dingemanse, Mark, Eva van Lier and Jorrig Vogels 2021 ForewordLinguistics in the Netherlands 2021, Dingemanse, Mark, Eva van Lier and Jorrig Vogels (eds.), pp. 1–3 | Introduction
This paper investigates the lexical and morpho-syntactic strategies used in three branches of European languages (Slavic, Romance, and Germanic) to express a specific non-prototypical type of three-participant event: that of an agent introducing a human Theme to a human Recipient. Earlier… read more
This paper presents various types of subordinate clauses in Cofán, an isolate language spoken on both sides of the Ecuadorian-Colombian border. These constructions are evaluated in light of parameters used in typological studies on subordination. We show that Cofán has two types of subordinate… read more
In this paper we use the Theory of Functional Discourse Grammar to show that parts-of-speech (PoS) and dependent clauses (DCs) can both be defined in terms of the functions they may express. On the basis of this parallel treatment, we predict that the functional possibilities of PoS and DCs in… read more