Georges Bohas

List of John Benjamins publications for which Georges Bohas plays a role.

Bohas, Georges and Djamel Eddine Kouloughli 2001 Towards a systematic corpus analysis of Arabic poetryLinguistic Approaches to Poetry, Michaux, Christine and Marc Dominicy (eds.), pp. 103–112 | Article
Recent work on Arabic metrics aims at developing a coherent research programme which relies on the systematic analysis of electronic corpora. The computer program XALIYL performs, for any line of ancient Arabic poetry, an automatic recognition of the metre used. This operation takes place whatever… read more
Ayoub, Georgine et Georges Bohas 1982 Les Grammairiens Arabes, la Phrase Nominale et le Bon SensThe History of Linguistics in the Near East, Versteegh, Kees, E.F.K. Koerner † and Hans-Josef Niederehe (eds.), pp. 31–48 | Article
Ayoub, Georgine et Georges Bohas 1981 Les Grammairiens Arabes, La Phrase Nominale Et Le Bon SensHistoriographia Linguistica 8:2/3, pp. 267–284 | Article
Le but de cet article est d’introduire à une réflexion sur la valeur explicative des théories des grammairiens arabes, en abordant un exemple précis, celui de jumla ‘ismiyya / jumla ficliyya (communément traduits par ‘phrase nominale’ / ‘phrase verbale’). Il comporte trois parties: La première… read more