Werner Bahner
List of John Benjamins publications for which Werner Bahner plays a role.
Les droits de la poésie vernaculaire L'Époque de la Renaissance (1400–1600): Tome III: maturations et mutations (1520–1560), Kushner, Eva (dir.), pp. 160–170 | Article
2011 Herders Sprachauffassung im Hinblick auf Condillac und Wilhelm von Humboldt History and Historiography of Linguistics: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS IV), Trier, 24–28 August 1987, Niederehe, Hans-Josef and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 493–504 | Chapter
1990 Sprachwandel und Etymologie in der spanischen Sprachwissenschaft des Siglo de oro The History of Linguistics in Spain, Quilis Morales, Antonio and Hans-Josef Niederehe (eds.), pp. 95–116 | Article
1986 Sprachwandel und Etymologie in Der Spanischen Sprachwissenschaft Des Siglo De Oro Historiographia Linguistica 11:1/2, pp. 95–116 | Article
1984 The Renaissance constitutes a new phase in the history of linguistics. The study of modern languages in particular contributed to enlarge the scope of philological concern as scholars try to promote and to codify a young national language. During this time philologists give particular attention… read more
La philologie romane et les problèmes linguistiques de la Renaissance XIV Congresso Internationale di Linguistica e Filologia Romanza: Napoli, 15–20 Aprile 1974. ATTI, Varvaro, Alberto (ed.), pp. V-617–V-624 | Article