Juan Varo Zafra
List of John Benjamins publications for which Juan Varo Zafra plays a role.
El aforismo, género y concepto Les genres littéraires et l’œuvre singulière, Pavel, Thomas (ed.), pp. 296–315 | Article
2010 The peak of aphorisms leads us to set out questions regarding this form of expression which is a sort of mixture: half philosophy and half literature. Firstly, this paper examines the aphorism in terms of its complex definition: the maxim, the dictum, the apothegm, the enigma and the fragment.… read more
Jean Baruzi y el problema del símbolo sanjuanista Revue Romane 43:1, pp. 136–150 | Article
2008 The article analyses and discusses the concepts of symbol and allegory in relation to Jean Baruzi’s classic study of the poetry of St. John of the Cross, Saint John of the Cross and the Problem of Mystical Experience. These concepts have been accepted to greater or lesser degree by the majority of… read more