Jillian Bowie

List of John Benjamins publications for which Jillian Bowie plays a role.


Bowie, Jillian 2010 Proto-discourse and the emergence of compositionalityThe Emergence of Protolanguage: Holophrasis vs compositionality, Arbib, Michael A. and Derek Bickerton (eds.), pp. 19–34 | Article
Two opposing accounts of early language evolution, the compositional and the holistic, have become the subject of lively debate. It has been argued that an evolving compositional protolanguage would not be useful for communication until it reached a certain level of grammatical complexity. This… read more
Bowie, Jillian 2008 Proto-discourse and the emergence of compositionalityHolophrasis vs Compositionality in the Emergence of Protolanguage, Arbib, Michael A. and Derek Bickerton (eds.), pp. 18–33 | Article
Two opposing accounts of early language evolution, the compositional and the holistic, have become the subject of lively debate. It has been argued that an evolving compositional protolanguage would not be useful for communication until it reached a certain level of grammatical complexity. This… read more