Lubna Alsagoff

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lubna Alsagoff plays a role.


Drawing on seminal works in the literature (e.g. Foley et al. 1998; Gupta 1994; Platt & Weber 1980), this chapter presents a historical account of the sociolinguistic landscape of Singapore from the time of post-British colonial rule to the present day. It examines how English use in Singapore has… read more
Alsagoff, Lubna, Zhiming Bao and Lionel Wee 1998 Why You Talk Like That? The Pragmatics of a Why Construction in Singapore EnglishEnglish World-Wide 19:2, pp. 247–260 | Article
In this paper, we examine one wh-construction in Singapore English, which signals a demand for justification, and show that there is a systematic correlation between its structural and pragmatic properties. We suggest that this wh-construction is based on the imperative, and inherits the… read more