Joanne Arciuli

List of John Benjamins publications for which Joanne Arciuli plays a role.


Communication in Autism

Edited by Joanne Arciuli and Jon Brock

[Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 11] 2014. vi, 275 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Language disorders & speech pathology
Monaghan, Padraic, Joanne Arciuli and Nada Seva 2016 Chapter 10. Cross-Linguistic Evidence for Probabilistic Orthographic Cues to Lexical StressLinguistic Rhythm and Literacy, Thomson, Jenny and Linda Jarmulowicz (eds.), pp. 215–236 | Article
Reading a word requires converting symbols to a phonetic sequence but also determining the stress position of that word. In this chapter, we analysed corpora of English, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish, and Greek to determine whether sublexical probabilistic information from the very beginnings and… read more
Arciuli, Joanne 2014 Chapter 5. Prosody and autismCommunication in Autism, Arciuli, Joanne and Jon Brock (eds.), pp. 103–122 | Article
This chapter focuses on prosodic processing in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). An overview of key studies linking prosodic difficulties with ASD is provided. Methods reviewed include behavioural assessment, acoustic analyses, electrophysiological measures, and brain imaging. It is… read more
Arciuli, Joanne and Jon Brock 2014 An introduction to communication in autism: Current findings and future directionsCommunication in Autism, Arciuli, Joanne and Jon Brock (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Article
We report on two experiments that examined lexical semantic memory. Experiment 1 included semantically related word-pairs (similarity of meaning) and unrelated word-pairs from three grammatical categories (nouns, verbs, adjectives). Experiment 2 included semantically related word-pairs… read more