Alessia Bertolazzi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alessia Bertolazzi plays a role.


Riccioni, Ilaria, Alessia Bertolazzi and Ramona Bongelli 2024 ‘The benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks… they say’: Italian Facebook users’ comments on the AstraZeneca vaccine suspensionOnline Health Communication: Expert and Lay Dialogic Practices, Tereszkiewicz, Anna and Magdalena Szczyrbak (eds.), pp. 297–331 | Article
This study aims to analyse Italian Internet users’ comments on two posts that appeared on the Facebook page of the Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Sera during a particularly critical phase of the COVID-19 pandemic (specifically, March 2021). At that time, the AstraZeneca vaccine had been… read more