Qingwen Zhang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Qingwen Zhang plays a role.


本文以澄海話的量名短語為研究對象,考察了澄海話量名短語的句法位置及其語義解讀之間的關係。調查發現,主語位置上的量名短語通常是有定的,賓語位置上的量名短語通常是無定的,但如果量名短語是控制句中的賓語控制語,或者量名短語是受損或受惠題元角色時,可以有無定、有定兩種解讀。我們認為,量名短語有定、無定兩種解讀情況的出現,是句法條件與語境因素共同作用的結果。句法上來說,量名短語都是中心語D為空的DP短語,無定量名短語的D由存在量詞為其賦值,而有定量名短語的空D由DisP中的先行詞為其賦值,量名短語的有定解讀應該看作是語用有定。 read more
Zhang, Qingwen, Zhenquan Cheng, Sze-Wing Tang and Hongyong Liu 2015 Indefinite article or numeral one? A Study of iʔ5 ‘one’ in ShiposhengInternational Journal of Chinese Linguistics 2:1, pp. 33–56 | Article
This paper investigates iʔ5 ‘one’ in Shiposheng, a vernacular dialect spoken in the north of Guangdong Province. Though iʔ5 in Shiposheng and yi ‘one’ in Mandarin share similar usages, they behave differently when cooccurring with the demonstrative, i.e., iʔ5 in Shiposheng cannot follow the… read more