Clara I. López Rodríguez

List of John Benjamins publications for which Clara I. López Rodríguez plays a role.

Tercedor Sánchez, Maribel, Clara I. López Rodríguez and Esperanza Alarcón Navío 2013 Identifying translation features in multi-word lexical unitsInterference and normalization in genre-controlled multilingual corpora, Lefer, Marie-Aude and Svetlana Vogeleer (eds.), pp. 87–109 | Article
Multi-word lexical units can often be rendered by different lexicalizations in the target language. Variation in the translation of multi-word lexical units, specifically multi-word cognates, can be regarded as an indicator of interference, since there is evidence of a priming effect which leads… read more
Steen, Gerard J., Ewa Biernacka, Aletta G. Dorst, Anna A. Kaal, Clara I. López Rodríguez and Tryntje Pasma 2010 9. Pragglejaz in practice: Finding metaphorically used words in natural discourseResearching and Applying Metaphor in the Real World, Low, Graham, Zazie Todd, Alice Deignan and Lynne Cameron (eds.), pp. 165–184 | Article
This paper aims to present the application of a new method for metaphor identification in discourse, the Pragglejaz Metaphor Identification Procedure, in two corpus-linguistic projects. It provides background information to the method and then demonstrates its basic workings by means of three… read more
Prieto-Velasco, Juan Antonio and Clara I. López Rodríguez 2009 Managing graphic information in terminological knowledge basesTerminology 15:2, pp. 179–213 | Article
The cognitive shift in Linguistics has affected the way linguists, lexicographers and terminologists understand and describe specialized language, and the way they represent scientific and technical concepts. The representation of terminological knowledge, as part of our encyclopaedic knowledge… read more
Tercedor Sánchez, Maribel and Clara I. López Rodríguez 2008 Integrating corpus data in dynamic knowledge bases: The Puertoterm projectTerminology 14:2, pp. 159–182 | Article
Terminological information is a key element in the construction of a knowledge base. In order for a knowledge base to be useful to different users, terminological information should be extracted from corpora so as to reflect the different pragmatic nuances. Puertoterm is a knowledge base in the… read more
Both translation and terminology can benefit from English for specific purposes and corpus linguistics in the study of the process of extracting information from texts, in particular, medical abstracts complying with the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussions) format. This study… read more
Faber, Pamela, Clara I. López Rodríguez y Maribel Tercedor Sánchez 2001 Utilización de técnicas de corpus en la representación del conocimiento médicoTerminology 7:2, pp. 167–198 | Article
Advances in corpus linguistics are of vital importance in terminology. The information obtained from corpora can be used to complement data already codified in dictionaries and termbases. In this article, we describe a framework of linguistic analysis that facilitates the extraction of conceptual… read more