John Beattie

List of John Benjamins publications for which John Beattie plays a role.


This chapter looks in detail at all the stages involved in setting up and managing the exchange experience of several cohorts of students from the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at a Catalan university in Barcelona, Spain. The history of the exchange is briefly presented, followed by the… read more
Beattie, John, Margalida Valls-Ferrer and Carmen Pérez-Vidal 2014 Chapter 8. Listening performance and onset level 
in formal instruction and study abroadLanguage Acquisition in Study Abroad and Formal Instruction Contexts, Pérez-Vidal, Carmen (ed.), pp. 195–216 | Chapter
The present chapter seeks to throw light onto the main research question in SALA, to measure the short and long-term effects on listening abilities of a three-month Study Abroad (SA) period, in the case of seventy-five Catalan/Spanish advanced EFL participants within the SALA Project. They are… read more