Lang Chen
List of John Benjamins publications for which Lang Chen plays a role.
“Join the Army. Become the Power of China”: Multimodal metaphors in military recruitment advertising – “The Power of China” Review of Cognitive Linguistics 19:1, pp. 142–171 | Article
2021 Military recruitment advertising, as a type of authoritative political video advertisement, demonstrates a country’s military culture. This paper will provide a brand-new perspective in researching Chinese military culture from the approach of multimodal metaphor. Currently, a multimodal… read more
Review of Setton (2011): Interpreting Chinese, Interpreting China & Lung (2011): Interpreters in Early Imperial China & Yu-Ling (2013): Translation and Fantasy Literature in Taiwan: Translators as Cultural Brokers and Social Networkers: Recent interpreting and translation research in the Chinese context Contexts of Russian Literary Translation, Hansen, Julie and Susanna Witt (eds.), pp. 118–128 | Review