Andrea Chiti-Batelli
List of John Benjamins publications for which Andrea Chiti-Batelli plays a role.
Can anything be done about the “glottophagy” of English? A bibliographical survey with a political conclusion Language Problems and Language Planning 27:2, pp. 137–153 | Article
2003 Recent literature reviewed by the author, particularly in German and English, leads him to conclude that there is a growing awareness, primarily in Europe, that the progressive establishment of English in the medium term as an international auxiliary language increasingly endangers the very… read more
Studiar l'inglese dalle elementari—Problema europeo: Una proposta nuova della pedagogia cibernetica Language Problems and Language Planning 10:1, pp. 30–41 | Article
1986 SUMMARY The Study of English—A European Problem: A New Cybernetic Pedagogical Proposal English is progressively becoming the de facto lingua franca of the entire world. Whereas the imposition of Latin by the Romans took centuries, the imposition of English may be accomplished in only one or two… read more