Yahya Aldholmi
List of John Benjamins publications for which Yahya Aldholmi plays a role.
Interactions between temporal acoustics and indexical information in speech rate perception Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXXI: Papers from the annual symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Norman, Oklahoma, 2017, Khalfaoui, Amel and Youssef A. Haddad (eds.), pp. 235–262 | Chapter
2019 This study examines the interplay between a number of factors that affect speech rate perception. Three factors were investigated: pause type/length (short, long, and non-silent), actual speech rate (accelerated vs. decelerated), and utterance type (native Arabic, accented Arabic, and unfamiliar… read more
On complex adjectival phrases in Standard Arabic Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics XXX: Papers from the annual symposia on Arabic Linguistics, Stony Brook, New York, 2016 and Norman, Oklahoma, 2017, Khalfaoui, Amel and Matthew A. Tucker (eds.), pp. 79–92 | Chapter
2019 In this paper, we present three puzzling observations concerning a class of adjectival constructions in Standard Arabic: (i) pleonastic definiteness, where an instance of definite morphology is semantically transparent, (ii) required resumption, where the absence of a resumptive pronoun leads to… read more