Leston Buell

List of John Benjamins publications for which Leston Buell plays a role.


Dreu, Merijn de and Leston Buell 2012 Neuter gender in a sexless language: The case of ZuluLinguistics in the Netherlands 2012, Elenbaas, Marion and Suzanne Aalberse (eds.), pp. 41–54 | Article
In some Germanic languages, neuter gender is used both as a lexical gender and for certain grammatical functions, while in Romance languages, neuter gender is only employed for grammatical functions. Zulu, a Bantu language, has a much more elaborate noun class system than those languages, but one… read more
Buell, Leston 2008 VP-Internal DPs and Right-Dislocation in ZuluLinguistics in the Netherlands 2008, Koppen, Marjo van and Bert Botma (eds.), pp. 37–49 | Article
Buell, Leston 2007 Transparency effects in Zulu reason applicative questionsLinguistics in the Netherlands 2007, Los, Bettelou and Marjo van Koppen (eds.), pp. 62–73 | Article