Nadežda Silaški

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nadežda Silaški plays a role.

Silaški, Nadežda and Tatjana Đurović 2019 Chapter 8. The Great Wall of Europe: Verbal and multimodal portrayals of Europe’s migrant crisis in Serbian media discourseMigration and Media: Discourses about identities in crisis, Viola, Lorella and Andreas Musolff (eds.), pp. 183–202 | Chapter
Complementing the theoretical framework of Critical Metaphor Analysis (Charteris-Black 2004; Musolff 2004, 2011) with research on multimodality from a cognitive viewpoint (Bounegru and Forceville 2011), in the chapter we deal with both linguistic and multimodal instantiations of the wall metaphor… read more
Đurović, Tatjana and Nadežda Silaški 2019 Chapter 2. Barbed wire around Serbia: Migrant metaphors as a means of constructing national identityMetaphor, Nation and Discourse, Šarić, Ljiljana and Mateusz-Milan Stanojević (eds.), pp. 59–74 | Chapter
Using a theoretical framework of Critical Metaphor Analysis (Charteris-Black 2004; Musolff 2004, 2006) and Critical Discourse Analysis (Hart 2010; Hart & Cap 2014; Šarić et al. 2010) the chapter investigates the role of metaphors in the construction of the national, viewed here through the prism of… read more
Set against the backdrop of a separation process between Britain and the EU, popularly referred to as Brexit, our paper explores how the married partners metaphor scenario structures the Brexit discourse via vivid metaphorical images of political reality describing complicated relations between… read more
This paper looks at how the marriage metaphor structures the discourse concerning the relationship between political parties in Serbia. In January 2007, in the first general election to be held in Serbia since its union with Montenegro was dissolved in 2006, no party succeeded in gaining an… read more