David Embick

List of John Benjamins publications for which David Embick plays a role.

Tamminga, Meredith, Laurel MacKenzie and David Embick 2018 The dynamics of variation in individualsThe Locus of Linguistic Variation, Lignos, Constantine, Laurel MacKenzie and Meredith Tamminga (eds.), pp. 151–187 | Article
This paper examines the factors conditioning the production of linguistic variables in real time by individual speakers: what we term the dynamics of variation in individuals. We propose a framework that recognizes three types of factors conditioning variation: sociostylistic, internal linguistic,… read more
Tamminga, Meredith, Laurel MacKenzie and David Embick 2016 The dynamics of variation in individualsThe locus of linguistic variation, Lignos, Constantine, Laurel MacKenzie and Meredith Tamminga (eds.), pp. 300–336 | Article
This paper examines the factors conditioning the production of linguistic variables in real time by individual speakers: what we term the dynamics of variation in individuals. We propose a framework that recognizes three types of factors conditioning variation: sociostylistic, internal linguistic,… read more
Embick, David 2014 Phase cycles, φ-cycles, and phonological 
(In)activityThe Form of Structure, the Structure of Form: Essays in honor of Jean Lowenstamm, Bendjaballah, Sabrina, Noam Faust, Mohamed Lahrouchi and Nicola Lampitelli (eds.), pp. 271–286 | Article
This paper addresses the question of how phases interact with phonology. I argue that phonological operations can affect representations that are “inactive” in the phase-theoretic sense, but only in limited ways. Specifically, I hypothesize that only noncyclic phonological processes can violate… read more
This paper looks at the analysis of stem alternations: a type of non-affixal morphological change. Alternations of this type are controversial because they look in principle like they can be analyzed either with distinct stem forms in memory, or with (morpho)phonological rules that derive alternants… read more
Embick, David and Morris Halle 2005 On the Status of Stems in Morphological TheoryRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2003: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 2003, Nijmegen, 20–22 November, Geerts, Twan, Ivo van Ginneken and Haike Jacobs (eds.), pp. 37–62 | Article